Getting started#

Figanos enables the creation of common climate data plots.


Figanos is a dictionary-based function interface that wraps Matplotlib and Xarray plotting functions to create common climate data plots. Its inputs are most commonly xarray DataArrays or Datasets, and it is best used when these arrays are the output of workflows incorporating Xscen and/or Xclim. Style-wise, the plots follow the general guidelines offered by the IPCC visual style guide 2022, but aim to create a look that could be distinctively associated with Ouranos. The Figanos Github repository hosts the files needed to install the package, as well as the dependencies and requirements.

Figanos currently includes the following functions:

  1. timeseries(): Creates time series as line plots.

  2. gridmap(): Plots gridded georeferenced data on a map.

  3. hatchmap(): Plots hatched areas on a map.

  4. scattermap(): Make a scatter plot of georeferenced data on a map.

  5. gdfmap(): Plots geometries (through a GeoDataFrame) on a map.

  6. stripes(): Create climate stripe diagrams.

  7. violin(): Create seaborn violin plots with extra options.

  8. heatmap(): Create seaborn heatmaps with extra options.

  9. taylordiagram(): Create Taylor diagram.

The following features are also included in the package:

  • Automatically recognizes some common data structures (e.g. climate ensembles) using variable and coordinate names and creates the appropriate plots.

  • Automatically links attributes from xarray objects to plot elements (title, axes), with customization options.

  • Automatically assigns colors to some common variables and, following the IPCC visual guidelines.

  • Provides options to visually enhance the plots, and includes a default style to ensure coherence when creating multiple plots.

  • Returns a matplotlib axes object that is fully customizeable through matplotlib functions and methods.

Preparing the data#

Figanos only accepts xarray DataArrays or Datasets as data inputs. As a general rule, figanos functions will not accomplish any data processing or cleaning tasks - the object(s) passed to the functions should therefore only contain the data that will appear on the graph and the metadata that supports it.

To create, for instance, a time series plot from a NetCDF file, the following preparation steps have to be taken:

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

# import necessary libraries
import xarray as xr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
import as ccrs
import xclim as xc
from xclim import sdba

import figanos.matplotlib as fg
from figanos import Logos
ERROR 1: PROJ: proj_create_from_database: Open of /home/docs/checkouts/ failed
# create xarray object from a NetCDF
url = ''
opened = xr.open_dataset(url, decode_timedelta=False)

# select a location
ds_time = opened.isel(lon=500, lat=250)
# select only the variables containing the data to be plotted
ds_time = ds_time[['tx_max_p50', 'tx_max_p10', 'tx_max_p90']]

<xarray.Dataset> Size: 1kB
Dimensions:     (time: 13)
    horizon     (time) |S64 832B ...
    lat         float64 8B 61.87
    lon         float64 8B -99.29
  * time        (time) datetime64[ns] 104B 1951-01-01 1961-01-01 ... 2071-01-01
Data variables:
    tx_max_p50  (time) float32 52B ...
    tx_max_p10  (time) float32 52B ...
    tx_max_p90  (time) float32 52B ...
Attributes: (12/28)
    ccdp_name:               tx_max
    description:             30 year mean Annual minimum of daily maximum tem...
    history:                 [2022-04-28 05:01:36] : Computation of the perce...
    long_name:               30 year mean Maximum daily maximum temperature
    standard_name:           air_temperature
    units:                   degC
    ...                      ...
    target_dataset:          ANUSPLIN interpolated Canada daily 300 arc secon...
    target_dataset_id:       ANUSPLIN300
    target_institute_id:     CFS-NRCan
    target_institution:      Canadian Forest Service, Natural Resources Canada
    target_references:       McKenney, D.W., Hutchinson, M.F., Papadopol, P.,...
    target_version:          obtained: 2 April 2012, 14 June 2012, and 30 Jan...

Using the Ouranos stylesheet#

Most parameters affecting the style of plots can be set through matplotlib stylesheets. Figanos includes custom stylesheets that can be accessed through the set_mpl_style() function. Paths to your own stylesheets (‘.mplstyle’ extension) can also be passed to this function. To use the built-in matplotlib styles, use

The currently available stylesheets are as follows:

  • ouranos: General stylesheet, including default colors.

  • transparent: Adds transparency to the styles (fully transparent figure background and 30% opacity on the axes).

# use ouranos style

#setup notebook
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.print_figure_kwargs = {'bbox_inches':'tight'}
#display the cycler colors
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle

style_colors = matplotlib.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"]

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,3))
for color, x in zip(style_colors, np.arange(0, len(style_colors)*2, 2)):
    Rectangle(xy=(x, 1),width=0.8,height=0.5,
    ax.text(x, 0.5, str(color), color=color)



The timeseries() function accepts DataArrays or Datasets. When only one object is passed to the function, using a dictionary is optional. Selecting one of the variables from our Dataset creates a DataArray (one line).

<Axes: title={'left': '30 year mean Annual maximum of daily maximum\ntemperature. 50th percentile of ensemble.'}, xlabel='Time', ylabel='30 year mean Maximum daily\nmaximum temperature (K)'>

Using the dictionary interface#

The main elements of a plot are dependent on four arguments, each accepting dictionaries:

  1. data : a dictionary containing the Xarray objects and their respective keys, used as labels on the plot.

  2. use_attrs: a dictionary linking attributes from the Xarray object to plot text elements.

  3. fig_kw: a dictionary to pass arguments to the plt.figure() instance.

  4. plot_kw : a dictionary using the same keys as data to pass arguments to the underlying plotting function, in this case matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot.

When labels are passed in data, any ‘label’ argument passed in plot_kw will be ignored.

my_data = {'50th percentile': ds_time.tx_max_p50, '90th percentile': ds_time.tx_max_p90}
my_attrs = {'ylabel': 'standard_name'} # will look for an attribute 'standard name' in the first entry of my_data
plot_kws = {'90th percentile': {'linestyle': '--'}}

              use_attrs = my_attrs,
              plot_kw = plot_kws,
<Axes: title={'left': '30 year mean Annual maximum of daily maximum\ntemperature. 50th percentile of ensemble.'}, xlabel='Time', ylabel='air_temperature (K)'>

Customizing plots#

Plots created with Figanos can be customized in two different ways:

  1. By using the built-in options through arguments (e.g. changing the type of legend with the legend arg).

  2. By creating a Matplotlib Axes class and using its methods (e.g. setting a new title with ax.set_title()).

Both of these types of customization are demonstrated below. In some cases, both methods can achieve the same result.

ax = fg.timeseries(my_data, show_lat_lon="upper left", legend='edge') # fun legend option, moved latitude and longitude tag
ax.set_title('Custom Title', loc='left') #when the title is left aligned, the "loc=left" argument must be used.
                                         # to remove a title, use ax.set_title('')
ax.set_xlabel('Custom xlabel')
ax.set_ylabel('Custom ylabel')
ax.grid(False) # removing the gridlines
ax.set_yticks([300,310]) # Custom yticks
[<matplotlib.axis.YTick at 0x7fe50c9c3f90>,
 <matplotlib.axis.YTick at 0x7fe50cb2a510>]


Logos can also be added to plots if desired using the fignos.utils.plot_logo() function. This function requires that logos are passed as pathlib.Path objects or installed and called by their name (as str).

Figanos offers the Logos() convenience class for setup and management of logos so that they can be reused as needed. Logos can be used to set default logos as well as install custom logos, if desired. Logo files are saved to the user’s config folder so that they can be reused.

By default, the figanos_logo.png is installed on initialization, while the Ouranos set of logos can be installed if desired.

For more information on logos, see the Logos documentation.

# Installing the default logos
l = Logos()
print(f"Default logo is found at: {l.default}.")

# Installing the Ouranos logos

# Show all installed logos
/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: No logo configuration file found. Creating one at /home/docs/.config/figanos/logos/logo_mapping.yaml.
/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: Setting default logo to /home/docs/checkouts/
  warnings.warn(f"Setting default logo to {_figanos_logo}")
Default logo is found at: /home/docs/.config/figanos/logos/figanos_logo.png.
Ouranos logos installed at: /home/docs/.config/figanos/logos.
/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: Setting default logo to /home/docs/.config/figanos/logos/logo-ouranos-horizontal-couleur.svg.
  warnings.warn(f"Setting default logo to {_default_ouranos_logo}.")
# To set a new default logo we can simply use an existing entry
l.set_logo(l.logo_ouranos_horizontal_couleur, "default")
print(f"Default logo is found at: {l.default}")
l.set_logo(l.logo_ouranos_vertical_couleur, "my_custom_logo")
print(f"my_custom_logo installed at: {l.my_custom_logo}.")

# Show all installed logos
Default logo is found at: /home/docs/.config/figanos/logos/logo-ouranos-horizontal-couleur.svg
my_custom_logo installed at: /home/docs/.config/figanos/logos/logo-ouranos-vertical-couleur.svg.

The required arguments for fignos.utils.plot_logo() are a matplotlib axis (ax), a location (loc) string describing the position of the logo (ex: ‘lower left’, ‘upper right’, ‘center’).

The logo argument is optional but will accept either a fixed location on disk (as pathlib.Path) or a str that is mapped to an already-installed logo (e.g. ‘my_custom_logo’; If not set, the ‘default’ logo will be used).

Either the height or width arguments can be used to resize the logo; If both are provided, only one will be used to resize the logo. This behaviour will change if keep_ratio=False is passed.

The function can also accept keyword arguments that are passed directly to matplotlib.offsetbox.OffsetImage(), such as alpha (transparency).

ax = fg.timeseries(my_data, show_lat_lon="upper left", legend='edge')

# Plotting with the default logo
# fg.utils.plot_logo(ax, loc='lower right', alpha=0.8, width=120)

# Plotting with a custom logo, resized with pixels
    loc='lower right',
<Axes: title={'left': '30 year mean Annual maximum of daily maximum\ntemperature. 50th percentile of ensemble.'}, xlabel='Time', ylabel='30 year mean Maximum daily\nmaximum temperature (K)'>


Figanos can automatically use translated version of the attributes to populate the plot. It also knows a few translations of usual terms, for the moment only in French.

# Populate the example data with french attributes
    description_fr="Moyenne 30 ans du Maximum annuel de la température maximale quotidienne, 50e centile de l'ensemble.",
    long_name_fr="Moyenne 30 ans du Maximum de la température maximale quotidienne"
with xc.set_options(metadata_locales=['fr']):

Line plots with Datasets#

When Datasets are passed to the timeseries function, certain names and data configurations will be recognized and will result in certain kinds of plots.

Dataset configuration

Resulting plot


Variables contain a substring of the format “_pNN”, where N are numbers

Shaded line graph with the central line being the middle percentile

Contains a dimension named “percentiles”

Shaded line graph with the central line being the middle percentile

Behaviour is shared with DataArrays containing the same dimension.

Variables contain “min” and “max” and “mean” (can be capitalized)

Shaded line graph with the central line being the mean

Contains a dimension named “realization”

Line graph with one line per realization

When plot_kw is specified, all realizations within the Dataset will share one style. Behaviour is shared with DataArrays containing the same dimension.

Any other Dataset

Line graph with one line per variable

# Using 'median' as a key to make it the line label in the legend.
# legend='full' will create a legend entry for the shaded area
fg.plot.timeseries({'median': ds_time}, legend='full', show_lat_lon=False)
<Axes: title={'left': '30 year mean Annual maximum of daily maximum\ntemperature. 50th percentile of ensemble.'}, xlabel='Time', ylabel='30 year mean Maximum daily\nmaximum temperature (K)'>

Whenever multiple lines are plotted from a single Dataset, their legend label will be the concatenation of the Dataset name (its key in the data arg.) and the name of the variables or coordinates from which the data is taken, unless the Dataset is passed to the function without a dictionary. When all lines from a Dataset have the same appearance, only the Dataset label will be shown.

#Create a Dataset with different names as to not trigger the shaded line plot
ds_mod = ds_time.copy()
ds_mod = ds_mod.rename({'tx_max_p50': 'var1','tx_max_p10': 'var2','tx_max_p90': 'var3'})

fg.timeseries({'ds':ds_mod}, show_lat_lon=True)
<Axes: title={'left': '30 year mean Annual maximum of daily maximum\ntemperature. 50th percentile of ensemble.'}, xlabel='Time', ylabel='30 year mean Maximum daily\nmaximum temperature (K)'>

Keyword - colour association#

Following the IPCC visual style guidelines and the practices of many other climate organizations, some scenarios (RCPs, SSPs), models and projects (CMIPs) are associated with specific colors. These colours can be implemented in timeseries() through the keys of the data argument. If a formulation of such scenarios or model names is found in a key, the corresponding line will be given the appropriate colour. For scenarios, alternative formats such as ssp585 or rcp45 are also accepted instead of the more formal SSP5-8.5 on RCP4.5. Model names do not currently have this flexibility. If multiple matching substrings exist, the following order of priority will dictate which colour is used:

  1. SSP scenarios

  2. RCP scenarios

  3. Model names

  4. CMIP5 or CMIP6

A list of the accepted substrings and colors is shown on the page Colours of Figanos.

#creating fake scenarios
data = {'tasmax_ssp434': ds_time,
        'tasmax_ssp245': ds_time.copy()-10,
        'tasmax_ssp585': ds_time.copy()+10}

fg.timeseries(data=data, legend='edge', show_lat_lon=False)

<Axes: title={'left': '30 year mean Annual maximum of daily maximum\ntemperature. 50th percentile of ensemble.'}, xlabel='Time', ylabel='30 year mean Maximum daily\nmaximum temperature (K)'>

Gridded Data on Maps#

The gridmap function plots gridded data onto maps built using Cartopy along with xarray plotting functions. The main arguments of the timeseries() functions are also found in gridmap(), but new ones are introduced to handle map projections and colormap/colorbar options.

By default, the Lambert Conformal conic projection is used for the basemaps. The projection can be changed using the projection argument. The available projections can be found here. The transform argument should be used to specify the data coordinate system. If a transform is not provided, figanos will look for dimensions named ‘lat’ and ‘lon’ or ‘rlat’ and ‘rlon’ and return the ccrs.PlateCaree() or ccrs.RotatedPole() transforms, respectively.

Features can also be added to the map by passing the names of the cartopy pre-defined features in a list via the features argument (case-insensitively). A nested dictionary can also be passed to features in order to apply modifiers to these features, for instance features = {'coastline': {'scale': '50m', 'color':'grey'}}.

The gridmap() function only accepts one object in its data argument, inside a dictionary or not. Datasets are accepted, but only their first variable will be plotted.

#Selecting a time and slicing our starting Dataset
ds_space = opened[['tx_max_p50']].isel(time=0).sel(lat=slice(40,65), lon=slice(-90,-55))

# defining our projection.
projection = ccrs.LambertConformal()

fg.gridmap(ds_space, projection = projection, features = ['coastline','ocean'], frame = True, show_time = 'lower left')
<GeoAxes: title={'center': '30 year mean Annual maximum\nof daily maximum temperature.\n50th percentile of ensemble.'}, xlabel='lon [degrees_east]', ylabel='lat [degrees_north]'>
/home/docs/checkouts/ DownloadWarning: Downloading:
  warnings.warn(f'Downloading: {url}', DownloadWarning)
/home/docs/checkouts/ DownloadWarning: Downloading:
  warnings.warn(f'Downloading: {url}', DownloadWarning)

Colormaps and colorbars#

The colormap used to display the plots with gridmap() is directly dependent on three arguments:

  • cmap accepts colormap objects or strings.

  • divergent dictates whether or not the colormap will be sequential or divergent. If a number (integer of float) is provided, it becomes the center of the colormap. The default central value is 0.

  • levels=N will create a discrete colormap of N levels. Otherwise, the colormap will be continuous.

By default ( if cmap=None), figanos will look for certain variable names in the attributes of the DataArray ( and da.history, in this order) and return a colormap corresponding to the ‘group’ of this variable, following the IPCC visual style guide’s scheme (see page 11). The groups are displayed in the table below.

Variable Group

Matching strings

Temperature (temp)

tas, tasmin, tasmax, tdps, tg, tn, tx

Precipitation (prec)

pr, prc, hurs, huss, rain,precip, precipitation, humidity, evapotranspiration

Wind (wind)

sfcWind, ua, uas, vas

Cryosphere (cryo)

snw, snd, prsn, siconc, ice

Note: The strings shown above will not be recognized as variables if they are part of a longer word, for example ‘tas’ in ‘fantastic’.

The colormaps are built from RGB data be found in the IPCC-WG1 Github repository. When none of the variables names match a group, or when multiple matches are found, the function resorts to the ‘Batlow’ colormap.

Strings passed to these arguments can either be names of matplotlib colormaps or names of the IPCC-prescribed colormaps, such as ‘temp_div’(divergent colormap for temperature variables) or ‘prec_seq.txt’ (sequential colormap for precipitation-related variables). Any colormap specified as a string can be reversed by adding ‘_r’ to the end of the string.

#change the name of our DataArray for one that inclues 'pr' (precipitation) - this is still the same temperature data
da_pr = ds_space.tx_max_p50.copy() = 'pr_max_p50'

#diverging colormap with 8 levels, centered at 300
ax = fg.gridmap(da_pr, projection=projection, divergent=300, levels=8, plot_kw={'cbar_kwargs':{'label':'precipitation'}})
ax.set_title('This is still temperature data,\nbut let\'s pretend.')
Text(0.5, 1.0, "This is still temperature data,\nbut let's pretend.")

Note: Using the levels argument will result in a colormap that is split evenly across the span of the data, without consideration for how ‘nice’ the intervals are (i.e. the boundaries of the different colors will often fall on numbers with some decimals, that might be totally significant to an audience). To obtain ‘nice’ intervals, it is possible to use the levels argument in plot_kw. This might however, and often, result in the number of levels not being exactly the one that is specified. Using both arguments is not recommended.

#creating the same map, with 'nice' levels.
ax = fg.gridmap(da_pr, projection=projection, divergent=300,
                plot_kw={'levels':8, 'cbar_kwargs':{'label':None}}, show_time=(0.85, 0.8))
ax.set_title('This cmap has 6 levels instead of 8,\nbut aren\'t they nice?')
Text(0.5, 1.0, "This cmap has 6 levels instead of 8,\nbut aren't they nice?")

It is also possible to specify your own levels by passing a list to `plot_kw[‘levels’].

ax = fg.plot.gridmap(da_pr, plot_kw={'levels':[290,294,298,302], 'cbar_kwargs':{'label':None}})
ax.set_title('Custom levels')
fg.utils.plot_logo(ax, loc=(0, 0.85), **{'zoom': 0.08})
<GeoAxes: title={'center': 'Custom levels'}, xlabel='lon [degrees_east]', ylabel='lat [degrees_north]'>
#Creating custom cmap (refer to
from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap
custom_colors =["darkorange", "gold", "lawngreen", "lightseagreen"]
custom_cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("mycmap", custom_colors)
ax = fg.gridmap(da_pr, projection=projection, divergent=300, cmap=custom_cmap,
                plot_kw={'levels':8, 'cbar_kwargs':{'label':None}}, show_time=(0.85, 0.8))
ax.set_title('Custom cmap')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Custom cmap')

pcolormesh vs contourf#

By default, xarray plots two-dimensional DataArrays using the matplotlib pcolormesh function (see xarray.plot.pcolormesh). The contourf argument in gridmap allows the user to use xarray.plot.contourf function instead. This also implies the key-value pairs passed in plot_kw are passed to these functions.

At a large scales, both of these functions create practically equivalent plots. However, their inner workings are inheritely different, and these different ways of plotting data become apparent at small scales.

When using contourf, passing a value in levels is equivalent to passing it in plot_kw['levels'], meaning the number of levels on the plot might not be exactly the specified value.

zoomed = ds_space['tx_max_p50'].sel(lat=slice(44,46), lon=slice(-65,-60))

fig, axs = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(10,6), subplot_kw= {'projection': ccrs.LambertConformal()})
fg.gridmap(ax = axs[0], data=zoomed, contourf=False,plot_kw={'levels':10, 'add_colorbar':False})
fg.gridmap(ax = axs[1],data=zoomed, contourf=True, plot_kw={'levels':10, 'cbar_kwargs':{'shrink':0.5, 'label':None}})
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'contourf')

Station Data on Maps#

Data that is georeferenced by coordinates (e.g. latitude and longitude) but is not on a grid can be plotted using the scattermap function. This function is practically identical to gridmap(), but introduces some new arguments (see examples below). The function essentially builds a basemap using cartopy and calls plt.scatter() to plot the data.

# create a fictional observational dataset from scratch
names = ['station_' + str(i) for i in np.arange(10)]
lat = 45 + np.random.rand(10)*3
lon = np.linspace(-76,-70, 10)
tas = 20 + np.random.rand(10)*7
tas[9] = np.nan
yrs = (10+30 * np.random.rand(10))
yrs[0] = np.nan

attrs = {'units': 'degC', 'standard_name': 'air_temperature', 'long_name': 'Near-Surface Daily Maximum Air Temperature'}

tas = xr.DataArray(data=tas,
                       'station': names,
                       'lat':('station', lat),
                       'lon': ('station', lon),
                       'years': ('station', yrs),
                        attrs=attrs) = 'tas'
tas = tas.to_dataset()
tas.attrs["description"] = "Observations"

#set nice features
features = {"land": {"color": "#f0f0f0"},
            "rivers": {"edgecolor": "#cfd3d4"},
            "lakes": {"facecolor": "#cfd3d4"},
            "coastline": {"edgecolor": "black"},

# plot
ax =fg.scattermap(tas,
                  sizes ='years',
                  size_range=(15, 100),
                           "xlim": (-78,-68),
                           "ylim": (43,50),
                           "edgecolor": "black",
                  fig_kw={'figsize': (9,6)},
                  legend_kw={'loc': 'lower left',
                            'title': 'Number of years of data'},
/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: 1 nan values were dropped when plotting the color values
/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: 1 nan values were dropped when setting the point size
/home/docs/checkouts/ DownloadWarning: Downloading:
  warnings.warn(f'Downloading: {url}', DownloadWarning)
/home/docs/checkouts/ DownloadWarning: Downloading:
  warnings.warn(f'Downloading: {url}', DownloadWarning)
/home/docs/checkouts/ DownloadWarning: Downloading:
  warnings.warn(f'Downloading: {url}', DownloadWarning)
/home/docs/checkouts/ DownloadWarning: Downloading:
  warnings.warn(f'Downloading: {url}', DownloadWarning)

It is possible to plot observations on top of gridded data by calling both gridmap() and scattermap() and fixing the colormap limits (vmin and vmax), like demonstrated below.

# defining our limits
vmin= 20
vmax= 35

# plotting the gridded data
ax = fg.gridmap(ds_space-273.15,
                plot_kw={'vmin': vmin, 'vmax': vmax, 'add_colorbar': False},
                show_time='lower right'
ax.set_extent([-76.5, -69, 44.5, 52], crs=ccrs.PlateCarree()) # equivalent to set_xlim and set_ylim for projections

# plotting the observations
              plot_kw={'vmin': vmin,
                       'vmax': vmax,
/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: 1 nan values were dropped when plotting the color values
<GeoAxes: title={'center': 'Observations'}, xlabel='lon', ylabel='lat'>
/home/docs/checkouts/ DownloadWarning: Downloading:
  warnings.warn(f'Downloading: {url}', DownloadWarning)

Plotting hatched areas#

The hatchmap function plots hatches on top of a map. It is a thin wrap around the plt.contourf() function, with very similar functionality to gridmap() and similar data arguments to timeseries(). It can be overlayed on top of a map created with gridmap() as shown below. hatchmap can also be used with plt.contourf() levels in plot_kw.

from xclim import ensembles
urls = ['',
ens = ensembles.create_ensemble(urls)
fut = ens.sel(time=slice("2020", "2050")).prcptot
ref = ens.sel(time=slice("1990", "2020")).prcptot
chng_f= ensembles.robustness_fractions(
    fut, ref, test="threshold", abs_thresh=2
sup_8 = chng_f.where(chng_f>0.8)
inf_5 = chng_f.where(chng_f<0.5)

ens_stats = ensembles.ensemble_mean_std_max_min(ens)

ax = fg.gridmap(ens_stats.prcptot_mean.mean(dim='time', keep_attrs='True'), features = ['coastline','ocean'], frame = True)

fg.hatchmap({'Over 0.8': sup_8, 'Under 0.5': inf_5}, ax=ax,
            plot_kw={'Over 0.8': {'hatches': '*'}},
            features = ['coastline','ocean'], frame = True,
            legend_kw={'title': 'Ensemble change'})
ax.set_title('Ensemble plot - hatchmap and gridmap')
/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: Colormap warning: More than one variable group found. Use the cmap argument.
/home/docs/checkouts/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  return func(*(_execute_task(a, cache) for a in args))
/home/docs/checkouts/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  return func(*(_execute_task(a, cache) for a in args))
/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: The following kwargs were not used by contour: 'Over 0.8'
  result = super().contourf(*args, **kwargs)
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Ensemble plot - hatchmap and gridmap')

GeoDataFrame on Maps#

The gdfmap function plots geometries contained in a GeoPandas GeoDataFrame on maps. It is a thin wrap around the GeoDataFrame.plot() method, with verys similar functionality to gridmap() and most of the same features.

To use this function, the data to be linked to the colormap has to be included in the GeoDataFrame. Its name (as a string) must be passed to the df_col argument. Like described above, if the cmap argument is None, the function will look for common variable names in the name of this column, and use an appropriate colormap if a match is found.

import geopandas as gpd
qc_bound = gpd.read_file("")
qc_bound['pr']=qc_bound['RES_CO_REG'].astype(float) # create fake precipitation data

ax = fg.gdfmap(qc_bound,
          levels = 16,
          plot_kw = {'legend_kwds': {'label': 'Fake precipitation (fake units)'}}

Projections can be used like in gridmap(), although some of the Cartopy projections might lead to unexpected results due to the interaction between Cartopy and GeoPandas, especially when the whole globe is plotted.

Also note that the colorbar parameters have to be accessed through the legend_kwds argument of GeoDataFrame.plot().

ax = fg.gdfmap(r,
               cmap = 'cool',
               projection = ccrs.LambertConformal(),
               features = {'ocean': {'color':'#a2bdeb'}},
               plot_kw = {'legend_kwds':{'orientation': 'vertical'}},
ax.set_title("Waterways of Trois-Rivières")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Waterways of Trois-Rivières')

Climate Stripes#

Climate stripe diagrams are a way to present the relative change of climate variables or indicators over time, in a simple and aesthetically-oriented manner. Figanos creates such plots through the stripes function.

While the vast majority of these diagrams will show the yearly change of a variable relative to a reference point, stripes() will adjust the size of the stripes to fill the figure to accomodate datasets with time intervals greater than a year.

The function accepts DataArrays, one-variable Datasets, and a dictionary containing scenarios (DataArrays or Datasets) to be stacked. The plot will be divided in as many sub-axes as there are entries in the dictionary. Normally, these scenarios would contain identical data up to a certain year, where the scenarios diverge; the divide argument should be used to create an axis separation at this point of divergence.

# create two datasets of mean annual temperature relative to the 1981-2010 period
url1 = ''
rcp85 = xr.open_dataset(url1, decode_timedelta=False)
rcp85 = rcp85.sel(lon=-73, lat=46, method='nearest')
rcp85_deltas = rcp85 - rcp85.sel(time=slice("1981","2010")).mean(dim='time')
rcp85_deltas.tx_mean_annual.attrs['long_name'] = 'Mean annual daily max temp relative to 1981-2010'
rcp85_deltas.tx_mean_annual.attrs['units'] = 'K'

url2 = ''
rcp45 = xr.open_dataset(url2, decode_timedelta=False)
rcp45 = rcp45.sel(lon=-73, lat=46, method='nearest')
rcp45_deltas = rcp45 - rcp45.sel(time=slice("1981","2010")).mean(dim='time')
rcp45_deltas.tx_mean_annual.attrs['long_name'] = 'Annual mean of daily max temp relative to 1981-2010'
rcp45_deltas.tx_mean_annual.attrs['units'] = 'K'

# plot
fg.stripes({'rcp45': rcp45_deltas, 'rcp85': rcp85_deltas}, divide=2006)
<Axes: >

Like most of the other functions, stripes() will attempt to find a colormap that is appropriate for the data variables.

# creating a similar dataset with precipitation data
url3 = ''
prec = xr.open_dataset(url3, decode_timedelta=False)
prec = prec.sel(lon=-73, lat=46, method='nearest')
prec_deltas = prec - prec.sel(time=slice("1981","2010")).mean(dim='time')
prec_deltas.precip_accumulation_annual.attrs['long_name'] = 'Total annual precipitation change relative to 1981-2010'
prec_deltas.precip_accumulation_annual.attrs['units'] = 'mm'

ax = fg.stripes(prec_deltas)
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Precipitation')

Violin Plots#

Violin plots are a practical tool for visualizing the statistical distribution of data in an ensemble, combining a box plot with a kernel density plot. The violin function wraps Seaborn’s violinplot function to directly accept xarray objects, and incorporates other figanos features. The data argument can be a DataArray (one “violin”), a Dataset (as many “violins” as there are variables in the Dataset), or a dictionary of either types. In the case of a dictionary, its keys will become the “violin” labels.

As with other functions, when use_attrs is passed and data is a dictionary, attributes from the first dictionary entry will be put on the plot.

fg.violin(ds_time, use_attrs={'title':'description'})
<Axes: title={'left': '30 year mean Annual maximum of daily maximum\ntemperature. 50th percentile of ensemble.'}, ylabel='30 year mean Maximum daily\nmaximum temperature (K)'>

The optional color argument combines the Seaborn function’s color and palette arguments. A single color or a list of colors can be passed. Integers can be passed instead of strings to refer to colors of the currently used stylesheet. If the list of colors is shorter than the number of variables on the plot, the colors are repeated.

my_data = {'p10': ds_time.tx_max_p10,'p50': ds_time.tx_max_p50, 'p90': ds_time.tx_max_p90}

ax = fg.violin(my_data, plot_kw={'orient':'h'}, color=[3, 'purple', '#78bf84'])


Similarly to violin plots, the heatmap function wraps Seaborn’s heatmap function to directly accept xarray objects, and incorporates other figanos features. The data argument can be a DataArray, a Dataset, or a dictionary of either types and of length=1. There is no real benefit to using a dictionary, but it is accepted to be coherent with other functions in the package.

# create diagnostics Dataset from scratch

improvement = np.random.rand(7,7)
diagnostics = xr.DataArray(data=improvement,
                           coords=dict(realization=['model1', 'model2', 'model3', 'model4', 'model5', 'model6', 'model7'],
                                       properties=['aca_pr', 'aca_tasmax', 'aca_tasmin', 'corr_tasmax_pr',
                                                   'corr_tasmax_tasmin', 'mean_tasmax', 'mean_pr']))

diagnostics.attrs['long_name'] = "% of improved grid cells"

# plot heatmap

fg.heatmap(diagnostics, divergent=0.5, plot_kw={'vmin': 0, 'linecolor': 'w', 'linewidth':1.5})

<Axes: xlabel='properties', ylabel='realization'>

In order to produce realiable results, the xarray object passed to heatmap() has to have only two dimensions. Under the hood, the function converts the DataArray containing the data to a pandas DataFrame before plotting it. Using transpose=True swaps the x and y axes.

The colorbar kwargs are accessible through the nesting of cbar_kws in plot_kw.

ax = fg.heatmap(diagnostics,
                plot_kw={'cbar_kws':{'label': 'Proportion of cells improved'}, 'annot':True}
ax.set_xlabel("") # get rid of labels
Text(53.380208333333314, 0.5, '')

Taylor Diagrams#

Taylor diagrams are a useful way to compare simulation datasets to a reference dataset. They allow to graphically represent the standard deviation of both the simulation and reference datasets, the correlation between both, and the root mean squared error (a function of the two previous statistical properties).

The taylordiagram function creates each point on the Taylor diagram from an object created using xclim.sdba.measures.taylordiagram, as illustrated below.

Important Notes#

  • The structure of the matplotlib axes being different than in the other figanos functions, this funcion does not have an ax argument, and creates its own figure.

  • To change the axis labels, use the std_label and corr_label arguments, rather than the ax.set_xlabel() method.

  • Dataset with negative correlations with the reference dataset will not be plotted.

  • To modify the appearance of the reference point (on the x-axis), use the keyword ‘reference’ in plot_kw.

da_ref = ds_time['tx_max_p50']

rands = np.arange(15)
sims = {}
for rand in rands:
    name = "model" + str(rand)
    da = xr.DataArray(data=np.random.rand(13)*20+290+rand,
                      dims={'time': da_ref.time.values})
    da.attrs["units"] = da_ref.units

    sims[name] = sdba.measures.taylordiagram(da, da_ref)

fg.taylordiagram(sims, std_range=(0, 1.3), contours=5, contours_kw={'colors': 'green'}, plot_kw={'reference': {'marker':'*'}})

/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: 5 points with negative correlations will not be plotted: model0, model1, model7, model10, model14
<FloatingAxesHostAxes: >

Partition plots#

Partition plots show the fraction of uncertainty associated with different components. Xclim has a few different partition functions.

This tutorial is a reproduction of xclim’s documentation.

Note that you could also use the xscen library to build and ensemble from a catalog with xscen.ensembles.build_partition_data.

# Fetch data
from __future__ import annotations

import pandas as pd

import xclim.ensembles

# The directory in the Atlas repo where the data is stored
# host = ""
host = ""

# The file pattern, e.g. CMIP6_ACCESS-CM2_ssp245_r1i1p1f1.csv
pat = "CMIP6_{model}_{scenario}_{member}.csv"

# Here we'll download data only for a very small demo sample of models and scenarios.

# Download data for a few models and scenarios.
models = ["ACCESS-CM2", "CMCC-CM2-SR5", "CanESM5"]
members = ["r1i1p1f1", "r1i1p1f1", "r1i1p1f1"]
scenarios = ["ssp245", "ssp370", "ssp585"]

# Create the input ensemble.
data = []
for model, member in zip(models, members):
    for scenario in scenarios:
        url = host + pat.format(model=model, scenario=scenario, member=member)

        # Fetch data using pandas
        df = pd.read_csv(url, index_col=0, comment="#", parse_dates=True)["world"]
        # Convert to a DataArray, complete with coordinates.
        da = (
            .expand_dims(model=[model], scenario=[scenario])

# Combine DataArrays from the different models and scenarios into one.
ens_mon = xr.combine_by_coords(data)["world"]

# Then resample the monthly time series at the annual frequency
ens = ens_mon.resample(time="Y").mean()
/home/docs/checkouts/ FutureWarning: 'Y' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version, please use 'YE' instead.
  index_grouper = pd.Grouper(

Compute uncertainties with xclim and use fractional_uncertainty to have the right format to plot.

# compute uncertainty
mean, uncertainties = xclim.ensembles.hawkins_sutton(ens, baseline=("2016", "2030"))
#frac= xc.ensembles.fractional_uncertainty(uncertainties)

#FIXME: xc.ensembles.fractional_uncertainty has not been released yet. Until until it is released, here it is.
def fractional_uncertainty(u: xr.DataArray):
    Return the fractional uncertainty.

    u: xr.DataArray
      Array with uncertainty components along the `uncertainty` dimension.

      Fractional, or relative uncertainty with respect to the total uncertainty.
    uncertainty = u / u.sel(uncertainty="total") * 100
    uncertainty.attrs["long_name"] = "Fraction of total variance"
    uncertainty.attrs["units"] = "%"
    return uncertainty

frac= fractional_uncertainty(uncertainties)

# plot
    start_year='2016', # change the x-axis
    show_num=True, # put the number of element of each uncertainty source in the legend FIXME: will only appear after xclim releases 0.48
    "variability": {'color':"#DC551A"},
    "model": {'color':"#2B2B8B"},
    "scenario": {'color':"#275620"},},

<Axes: xlabel='Lead time (years from 2016)', ylabel='Fraction of total variance (%)'>
[ ]: